Whats new in 41 ver? 1. Tiny work around improving triangle Bezier patches. Edition nodes... 2. Changing geometry of object, option when only one manifold chunk is affected. Press 'Show chunk' button, set its flag to 'on'. Now on every triangle in every chunk small bar is displayed, his color is unique, characterstic to whole chunk. Press 'Chun opers' button several times and set its flag to 'geom' - that means now geometry modifications can be processed. Select operation you want perform using 'Opt object' button. Flag apropriate to this button are 'hole', 'geom' and 'edge'. Posssible suitable operations are: - filling holes, - changing geometry (feature should improve geometry, but now it question of taste it really do it), - decreasing shortest edge in every triangle. (feature can be used to reduce triangles count in chunk). To perform operation click on bar with color uniqe to chunk located directly on object visable in main view window. Use left mouse button. 3. Merge vertices - now one chunk only possibility... 4. Merge verts, option with no manifold chunks structure destroy (constans chunks count).. todo: if merge verts option one chu only = always take care on chunks struct!! 5. 3glass_tex.inc = Attempt for avoid sorting 'X' coords in every loop. I tried implement some combo checking for skip horizontal line render conditions. Partially achived, need few moments of thinking. 6. 3glass_tex.inc = I pass texture params (shift, width, size) to proc by single xm7 register. Bugs, I noticed: - Problems with submit FFD cage modified object when only one selected chunk is processed... To properly work with FFD - edit whole object... - Chunk number '0' problems... sometimes one chunk alone triangle .. - Not always corrected saving to 3ds file - always press 'sort chunks' button before saving object above 65535 elements .. - Weird edges detecting - unstable edges count info... - Blender saves corresponding 3ds file with one more face than win3ds.. - Bezier patches objects, not properly meshed.. - Tesselate whole object option many times invalid - not whole part of object is affected (not all chunks of object - no problem in one chunk object cause..) - Marking boundary edges operation - very seldom correct.. - Positiv (z coord/normal vect) and selected area tesselation simultanously not correct - I always get crash .. - N key: many times I get crash - FFD spline invalid displaying when size y exceedes size x (or some other case) - NextEdit deformation: Chain of work to achive bug: non correct ex. moving behavior. 1st. Load and append fresh mesh; 2cond. Edit it by "NextM edit" butt, option 'Nx.O'; 3rd. Optimize chunks by "sort chunks" button; 4th. Press "Show chunk" butt and select bar appropriate to chunk No. you want edit (use mouse and its left button); 5th To see bug use "NextM edit" butt, option 'chun' and try edit selected chunk... - invalid small texture in all but RP displaying models.. todo: - Condition to not enter rendering tri proc if all coords are outside viewport (early cut off to all triangles through peel proc).. - End small texture routines - insert predefined one ex. rose in 16 colors.. - Finish work around Bezier triangle and recytangular patches. - Finish object with wall based on rotated spline feature.. - Filling holes modify geometry - rem such modifications.. NOTE - app unstable, may crash in any time, test with care.. Maciej, Oct 2024